What is Tantra Massage

January 15, 2024

From the physical point of view the tantric massage is a full body, body to body oil massage. You use your entire body in a very sensual, flowing, erotic way to create a deeply pleasurable, loving, and sensual experience.

The purpose of the tantric massage is to create intimacy. When performed correctly, it opens a safe space where you can both (the receiver and giver) explore yourselves, your heart, your body and being. It can be a deeply euphoric experience of self discovery.  

The benefits for a woman receiving a massage are immense. It allows her to gradually awaken the sensitivity of her body and her sensuality, increases her capacity to experience pleasure and happiness. It helps her to relax, to open and be able to surrender (which is necessary for us women to be able to experience deeper states of orgasm). When done correctly the woman will feel loved and safe and accepted for who she is. This is very fulfilling for her heart and allows her to relax into her erotic nature.

What makes the tantric massage unique, deeply healing and transformative is the attitude in which it is performed. It is always performed as an expression of love, tenderness, affection, empathy and consciousness.

There are many characteristics that make up the specific attitude of a tantric massage, these are three of them:


Number 1: Conscious loving touch

Have you ever noticed how a loving hug can dissolve tension between you and your girlfriend? When we offer our touch consciously and lovingly it has the potential to dissolve any barriers created by our defense mechanism; creating connection between two people. Conscious, loving touch allows you to feel accepted for who you are, and you can relax any tensions that normally stop you from being yourself. It leads to a deep relaxation and feel our heart - it is only when we are relaxed that we can really feel our heart.


The ability to touch in a conscious way is not something that necessarily comes naturally and spontaneously, it is an art that can be learnt and perfected and through acquiring this skill you will also become a more wonderful lover.  


Number 2: Pleasure

Tantric massage is a method to help the receiver to become more aware of their body and more embodied, and in this way she will awaken the sensitivity of her body so that she can feel and experience an amplified pleasure.


The massage is not as much about giving pleasure but more about helping the receiver to let go of blockages that prevent her from experiencing pleasure – these blockages can come from trauma, guilt, misunderstandings, inhibitions, and a lack of awareness.


Number 3: Love

The tantric massage is an expression of love, affection, tenderness, and intimacy where the heart is always guiding the experience - that is why no two massages will ever be the same.


Tantric massage is the perfect ground to train our capacity to love, to offer affection and to establish intimacy – because our ability to offer love and affection is something that can be learnt and improved, and that is great news!

Learning tantric massage is a wonderful skill to have as it teaches you how to offer pleasure, to create intimacy, to feel your heart, to inhabit your body, to manifest sensually and erotically and much more.


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