Any relationship starts with the one you have with yourself

July 21, 2024

When I started going deeper on my spiritual journey, my attitude towards others and myself started shifting. The more my spiritual aspiration - to become better and to know myself better - started to grow, the more I could understand and see, that the world and people are reflecting different parts of me, helping me to become better and making me aware of different parts inside of me.

I started to understand that the relationship I have with myself, will be reflected in all of the relationships that I have with others. No matter what kind of relationship it is - colleagues, my lover, friends, parents: all of them reflect a very special part of me.

This made me understand that I need and wish to do my work. Work on myself and put energy into this relationship, not only to improve myself, to grow and heal but also to become a better partner for my lover, to become a better mirror for her, to be able to have more and more beautiful and fulfilling relationships in my life.

In the past I had the tendency to base my happiness on the status of my relationship. It took me some time, but with patience I started to learn this lesson: I cannot put any kind of pressure or responsibility of my own happiness and fulfillment on my partner or any other person in my life. My happiness is my own responsibility. And I am more aware now that it is very important to be happy and fulfilled inside of me first, in order to make my beloved happy. It is as well very important to be happy and fulfilled with myself first, if I wish to have a very happy and fulfilling relationship with my lover.

This realisation made me work on the relationship that I have with myself more intensely. I started spending more time with myself and enjoying my own company. I started putting more effort into spiritual practice - like yoga, into self care routines - like taking a bath or reading a book that truly interests me. I went jogging or took myself for my favorite meal in the town. I wanted to reach the state in which I feel fulfilled in my own company. Very quickly I started to realise that what makes me truly fulfilled with myself is when I feel that I know myself better, I know what I like and what I don't like, I know what my heart truly wishes for and because of knowing myself better I could also make better choices in my life and trust and believe in myself more. I could feel more self confident with myself.

I started to understand more and more that accepting and embracing fully who I am and how I am in this moment, helps me to open up to other people in my life, it allows me to accept, love and embrace others in my life and it helps me to open up for others to accept and love me as I am in this moment.

I feel it truly is essential to know myself and to feel great with who I am in order to have beautiful and fulfilling relationships with other people around me.


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