Sapphic women confessions: Experiences of Tantric lovemaking between women

May 6, 2024

On my tantric juorney I came accross "the Glorious Androgynal state" many times. My tantra teachers and other practitioners that I met on my path were always speaking about this special state, which is considered to be a very important state on a tantric path. Even though I have heard and even read about this special state many times, I did not truly understand what it means until I had my first glimpses of experiences. Essentially the Glorious Androgynal State refers to the ample awakening of both poles within your being - the masculine and feminine. It gives inner balance, inner harmony, happiness, health, inner peace and centreing in the heart.

Putting into practice some tantric techniques while making love with my woman lover, I started to slowly grasp the meaning of the Glorious Androgynal state. 

I wish to share with you one of my love making experience, in which I have for the first time became aware of this state: 

Me and my lover were making love with a lot of tenderness and adoration towards each other. I was lying on the bed, while she was caressing my body very softly and with a lot of awareness in every touch. Every cell of my body started imploding out of excitement and my whole being started opening more and more. With every touch I felt how she was touching and loving my soul, not only my body. This made me feel so open, so vulnerable, so sensitive and very receptive. With every touch and every kiss that she was offering me, she was entering into my being more and more. She was in a state of total offering all that she is to me. She was very active, while I was opening more and more to receive and to embrace her being inside of mine. With all of this, I started to perceive how my inner woman awakened. I felt very sensual, receptive, open. 

After a while, we swapped the positions and she lied down while I started caressing her naked body, kissing her soft skin and exciting all the erogenous zones. In that moment I became aware that my inner state shifted completely. Suddenly, I became the one offering and being active while she was the one that was becoming more and more sensual, soft, open to receive my being inside of her. I felt stronger and sharper, in a state of giving her all that she needs and all that her soul is deeply asking for. In this shift, I started becoming aware, that there is an inner man inside of me as well, not only the inner woman. It was fascinating to observe, that there were two opposite poles active inside of me shifting in between each other, from one moment to another. 

After a while, she was kissing me all over the body and I started experiencing orgasms, which were becoming more and more intense. I started feeling orgasms in my skin, imploding in my heart, I even perceived them in my hands, as an immense pleasure tingling inside of my fingers, accumulating in every cell in my palm, imploding in my hands. I was so overwhlemed by pleasure and love inside of me.  Suddenly I noticed my inner woman and inner man, simultaneously present inside of my being, polarising each other and making love with each other inside of me. It was such a deep and magical experience that truly blew my mind. In this state, I was able to go even a step beyond and perceive myself as being neither-of them, not my inner man and not my inner woman, I was beyond, observing the love making process between them, being able to actively switch between the inner man and inner woman and at the same time I knew, I am in a perfect harmony, neutrality.

This has been a very valuable love making experience for me, which made me understand more about what tantra and love making truly is about. It is not all about pleasure. Pleasure is a tool which can give us access to all the mysteries and magic of our being. Pleasure can help us to recognize who we truly deeply are inside. From that experience on, I started being more attentive to my inner woman and also inner man inside of me. I started to understand, that harmony, self development, healing and love, comes from the balance between yin and yang, between sun and moon, between inner man and inner woman, in between one extreme and the other. I started to understand, that I am complete and that I have absolutely everything inside of me. 


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