Sapphic women confessions: Orgasmic breasts

June 6, 2024

Through tantric love making I discovered that every part of our body is unique and that we can experience pleasure, even orgasms, all over our body, in every part possible.

One of my favourite experiences of orgasms are the ones in my breasts. Generally I feel very connected to this part of my body and I enjoy when my lover is connecting to my breasts as well. In that way I feel a very special intimacy with her, I feel loved and I feel she is connecting to deeper parts of myself. I love my breasts being teased with fingers, and especially I enjoy, when my lover is kissing them all around. I feel that I can open and experience so much pleasure with this, I can feel her loving me and I can trust her more when she is pleasing my breasts.

I always feel that my breasts are so deeply connected to my heart and when my lover is touching them, I feel she is touching and taking care of my heart. This gives me a very beautiful and elevated experiences that make the whole love making much more intense and magical. Whenever I am experiencing breasts orgasms, I feel fascinated by the gentleness but also intensity that they bring me. I feel fascinated by how much pleasure and intensity I can feel in my nipples and all around them. Every time I feel that the orgasms start in my nipples and then they expand in the whole area of the breasts and they always end up in my heart. I feel orgasms in my heart, which makes me experience very intense and magical states of loving and being loved by my lover. Those orgasms to me, many times feel way more intimate to share with my lover than when I experience them in my yoni. I feel they create a special and unique intimacy and trust between me and her. 

On the other hand, I also enjoy very much offering breast pleasure. I enjoy admiring my lovers breasts. I love to feel how she feels, when I touch her nipple and then kiss it very gently. It makes me feel euphoric when I feel how this opens her heart and her whole body becomes ready to make love with mine. I also discovered that when I do this, my lover become much more open also in her yoni. It feels like breasts and yoni are very connected. If the breasts are excited, the heart opens and then naturally also yoni opens and is ready to experience much more pleasure then usual. 

There is another fascinating discovery that I realised through the experiences of playing with breasts - if my breasts get more attention, if they are being touched with love and kissed with elevated passion, if they are admired, they truly start changing shape. They become more full and even bigger. It fascinated me to discover this fact, which in the end makes sense to me. If a flower can blossom and grow when she is being watered with love and positive words, so can woman's breasts become fuller and bigger when caressed gently and admired by the ones we love.


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